We love seeing the homes we’ve built and renovated for our clients spruced up for the holidays. We know it’s not easy to put up all those decorations. As seasoned professionals, our team has extensive experience using ladders and knows how easily accidents happen, even with the best intentions.

 Did you know:

  • human error is the leading cause of ladder injury accidents
  • the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that an average of 2,494 ladder injuries are reported during the holiday season (Nov. 1 – Jan. 31) imagine how many go unreported!
  • most ladder accidents can be avoided by taking the time to do it right

 Ladder Safety 101: A Step-by-Step Guide

As the holiday season approaches, many of us find joy in transforming our homes with the warm glow of festive lights and decorations. Whether you’re a seasoned decorator or a first-timer, safety should always be a top priority when it comes to putting up Christmas lights. We want our clients to enjoy the holidays injury-free!  Here’s our handy-dandy list of how to use your ladder safely.

Choose the Right Ladder:
Selecting the appropriate ladder for the task is the first step to ensuring your safety. Use a sturdy, well-maintained ladder that is the right height for the job. A step ladder is ideal for low to medium heights, while an extension ladder is necessary for taller areas.


Get the slope right:

  1. Get ladder set up the way you think you like it.,
  2. Have your toes touch the bottom of the ladder,
  3. With good posture, reach out for the ladder.

If the tips of your fingers can just touch the ladder, you have the slope right. If you can reach through the ladder, it’s too steep (could tip back on you). If you can’t touch the ladder at all, it’s too flat (the feet could slide out on you). DO THIS EVERY TIME YOU SET UP YOUR EXTENSION LADDER.

Inspect Your Ladder:

Before ascending, carefully inspect your ladder for any signs of damage or wear. Check for loose screws, missing rungs, or other potential hazards. If you discover any issues, repair or replace the ladder before use.

 Set Up on a Stable Surface:

Place the ladder on a flat, even surface. Avoid unstable ground, such as ice or snow, and use ladder levelers or stabilizers if necessary. Make sure all four feet of the ladder are firmly planted before climbing.

Maintain Three Points of Contact:

Keep yourself balanced by maintaining three points of contact with the ladder at all times. This means having two hands and one foot, or two feet and one hand on the ladder. Avoid overreaching, which can compromise your stability.

 Follow the 4-to-1 Rule:

For every four feet of ladder height, move the base one foot away from the wall or edge. This angle ensures stability and reduces the risk of the ladder tipping over.

 Stay Centered:

Always climb facing the ladder and keep your body centered between the side rails. Avoid leaning too far to one side, as it can throw off your balance and increase the risk of a fall.

Dress Appropriately:

Wear non-slip shoes and avoid loose or baggy clothing that could get caught on the ladder. If you’re working outdoors, consider the weather conditions and dress accordingly.

 Be Mindful of Electrical Hazards:

If you’re installing electrical lights, use outdoor extension cords and make sure they are in good condition. Keep cords secured to the ladder to prevent tripping hazards.

 Use the Buddy System:

Whenever possible, have someone hold the ladder for added stability and assistance. Having a spotter can make a significant difference in preventing accidents.

 Know Your Limits:

If you’re uncomfortable or unsure about a task, don’t hesitate to ask for help. It’s better to seek assistance than to risk injury.

We hope these ladder safety tips provide helpful guidance as you embark on transforming your home into a festive wonderland. Wishing you a joyful and safe holiday season!


Sprucehill Contracting Inc.
Griffin Business Centre
Unit 131 – 901 3rd Street West
North Vancouver, BC V7P 3P9

Email: info@sprucehill.ca
Phone: +1 (604) 971 4899